
Jun 08 2023




Özbekler Tekkesi

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Philip Bockholt and Tobias Sick from the University of Münster will present the TRANSLAPT Project as part of İSAR İhtisas Talks. This project aims to examine the transmission of knowledge in the Ottoman period between 1400-1750
through Turkish, Arabic and Persian translation activities in the Islamic world. Details of the project will be presented in the seminar.

Philip Bockholt has been a lecturer in the history of the Turko-Persian region at the Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Münster since 2022. He will head the Emmy Noether Junior Research Group on “Islamic
Knowledge Transmission in Arabic-Persian-Ottoman translation processes in the Eastern Mediterranean (1400-1750)” between 2022 and 2028. He previously worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Oriental Studies at the
University of Leipzig and received her PhD in Islamic studies from Freie Universität Berlin in 2018. His dissertation examined historiography in Iran during the early Safavid period (16th century) and provided an analysis of Khwāndamīr’s
Ḥabīb al-Siyar (The Lover of Careers) and its readership.

Tobias Sick is a PhD research assistant at the Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Münster. Within the scope of the project, he will be working on a dissertation entitled “On Translations of Works of Islamic Sufism within
Interregional Sufi Networks in Anatolia and the Arab Provinces”.

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