8 April 18:00 Özbekler Tekkesi Artificial Intelligence and Copyright: The Question of Ownership in the Digital Age
4 February 18:00 Özbekler Tekkesi Sheikh Bedreddin and Varidat from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic
5 November 18:00 Özbekler Tekkesi The Rise of the Clergy, Monarchs and the Extermination of Muslims and Jews in Western Europe
24 October 18:30 - 20:00 Özbekler Tekkesi Values-Based Leadership: The Role Model of Prophet Muhammed
18 August 18:00 Özbekler Tekkesi How Should Wisdom Be Known? The Role of Sufi Stories in Cultivating Virtues
7 August 19:30 Özbekler Tekkesi Ḥuqūq al-Ādamiyyīn and Human Rights in Ottoman Modernization: Rupture or Continuity?
12 June 18:00 Özbekler Tekkesi İslam Araştırmaları Nedir? Oryantalizm, Batı Akademisi ve Medrese Eğitimi
17 May 18:00 Online Thinking Like a Computer, Not Like a Lawyer: Law and Legal Education in the Age of Technology
22 March 16:30 İSAR “Rejection of Conventional Methodologies and Alternative Approaches: The LexiQamus Project
27 December 18:00 Özbekler Tekkesi Educating the Modern Individual: Teaching, Discipline, and Education in the Second Constitutional Era