11 February 18:00 Özbekler Tekkesi Islamic Mutual Funds from the Perspective of Shari’ah Governance System
3 December 18:00 Özbekler Tekkesi 1952 Egyptian Revolution and Nasser’s Leadership from Eric Hoffer’s Perspective
7 November 18:30 - 20:00 Özbekler Tekkesi The Liar Paradox in Islamic Thought: A Study Centered on Husayn al-Khānsārī
17 July 18:00 Özbekler Tekkesi Hanafi Jurists’ Approaches to Customary Law Issues in the Context of Land and Waqf
25 April 18:00 Özbekler Tekkesi The Teleological Argument in the Context of ‘De Usu Partium’ and ‘ed-Delail ve’l İtibar
21 October 18:30 Özbekler Tekkesi The Economy of Foundations in Turkey in the Context of Islamic Economics
28 September 16:00 Özbekler Tekkesi How Many Kinds of Commentary Is There on a Text? A Survey in the Ottoman Period Turkish Commentaries on the Qasidat al-Burda